Fruits Of Righteousness


Peony flower and book on blue background

Quantum Healing & Deliverance Minstry

“FOR blessed are they which do hunger and thrist after righteousness; for they shall be filled.”- Matthew 5:6

What is Righteousnesss?

Concept of prayer and faith.

In the book of Genesis chapter 15 verse 6 is the first time we are introduced to the word righteousness.

God was speaking to Abramham (at the time he was still Abram) and YHWH told him in a vision that he would have a son. Rather than doubt YHWH Abraham chose to believe YHWH. So God counted Abraham’s faith in his word as righteousness.

In the book of Deuteronomy 6:25, it reads, “And it shall be our Righteousness, if we observe to do all these commandments before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us.

We can there infer that following YHWH’s commandments is our Righteousness. And our appointed duty to being a child of God!

“Little children let no man deceive you: he that does righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous.

-1 John 3:7

Fruit trees

And you shall know them by their fruit…

-Matthew 7:16

Do you need healing?

You have been called here. Now is the time to take charge of your life. What is hindering from living the purposed life God has prepared for you. Is it fear, doubt, or shame? Fruits of Righteousness is a healing and deliverance ministry. Prophetess Meriyahm has been called by YHWH to bring forth the wisdom to the true restoration of the Body of Christ and becoming one with the Father.

And YHWH sent me before you to preserve you a posterity in the Earth and to save your lives with a great deliverance.

- Genesis 45:7

What is Deliverance Ministry?

In Hebrew the word for Deliverance is Pêlëta! By definition it means to safely escape or to bring into security! And Ministry is just a call to serve! This ministry serves YHWH by teaching his children how to escape the bondage of the desires of the flesh and the spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological reprecussions a life of sin carries.


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The time has come. The separation of the wheat and the tares. Those that choose to live righteously will be rewarded on the Day of God’s wrath.

Fruits of Righteousness Ministry is the ministry given to Ordained Minister and Prophetess Meriyahm by YHWH. It is a 508c1a Ministry. This ministry stands on the four pillars given to us by YHWH which are: Repentance, Restoration (deliverance), Revival, and Righteousness.

We reflect the life of Christ by leading the sheep of YHWH that he has given us to a repentant life and by feeding those that thirst and hunger for the fruits of righteousness.

If you have been drawn to the Ministry then YHWH wants us to help you! It’s time to seek wise counsel and restore your relationship with the Father and reap the rewards of Righteousness!

(Prophetess Lady Meriyahm)

Contact Information

The Holy Bible


4624 Old Slaughter Rd.

Zachary, La 70791


